depan kelas

foto pulang sekolah biasa anak muda jaman sekarang selalu eksis di manapin berada.abis pelajaran produktif,lansung dech jepret-jepret.


dasar anak muda jaman sekarang gag ada gurunya malah kemushola,kalau buat sholat sih gpp patut di contoh!tapi ini beda,ke mushola malah nongkrong,foto-foto gag jelas.untung belom dipasang cctv kalau udah habis deh sama pak botak..

masih di tempat yang sama

pulang sekolah gag lansung pulang,malang jepret sana jepret sini.memang penghuni magenic semuanya tidak tau malu .dasar abg jaman sekarang..

serem tapi bagus

mau ada lomba?setiap kelas di suruh mbuang sampah di greenhouse.palajaran pkn ,seperti biasaopak har yang sabar banget lagi menerangkan sesuatu.tapi di kelas panas banget.langsung deh kita bertiga ijin ke belakang buat mbuang sampah.padahal sih nggak mbuang sampah.trus di belakang nemu tempat serem itu.katanya sih serem.untung aja waktu kita foto di belakang nggak ada apa2!.

cupu semua

pagelaran drama,sebelum itu waktu pelajaran kkpi anak laki-laki semuanya di botaki sma pak samsul.semua sewot.penampilan mereka jadinya cupu semua.hahahahah.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011


Here is an interesting and unique fact that there are intriguing in this world.

1. The most popular names in the world is Muhammad.
2. Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels.
3. Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so it does not digest itself.
4. Ants can lift 50 times its body weight.
5. Giraffe tongue length is about 50 cm.
6. The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva every day.
7. Without the mixed saliva in the mouth, we will not feel the taste of food
8. We breathe approximately 23,000 times each day.
9. On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of them we are talking to myself).
10. Our lifetime drinking water of approximately 75,000 liters.
11. Men lose 40 hairs each day. women 70 strands.
12. A strand of hair on our heads have time to grow 2 to 6 years before it was replaced with new hair
13. Camels have three eyelids.
14. Muscles that work we are the fastest muscle in your body that makes us dikelopak eyes flashing. we can blink 5kali in a second.
15. Someone will still be conscious for 8 seconds after beheading.
16. Chocolate can kill dogs, because it directly affects the heart and nervous system.
17. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
18. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
19. We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. 1 / 4 part of the brain used to regulate the work of the eye.
20. Scorpions can be killed with a douse with vinegar, they will be angry and sting himself.
21. When we sneeze always in a state of eyes closed.
22. If you sneeze too hard to crack ribs. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. if forcing your eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can jump out.
23. The kids have 20 teeth early. Adults have 32.
24. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given during World War II were made of wood.
25. There are 318,979,564. 000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
26. There are more than 300 tartar-forming bacteria.
27. Tiger is the largest member of the family cat.
28. Coconuts kill 150 people each year. More than the shark.
29. Loss of solar polar regions during the 186 days a year.
30. It took 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa.Lukisan was not marked and given a date. Leonardo and Mona had identical bone structures according to X-ray and there are 3 versions of the painting under the painting.
31. The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour.
32. Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow film so you could see all his movements.
33. One pound of weight we contain 7000 calories.
34. Babies are born every 7 seconds.
35. When the Titanic sank, 2228 people were on it. Only 706 survivors.
36. In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa, someone dies of AIDS every 10 minutes.
37. Until the age of 6 months, babies can swallow and breathe simultaneously. Adults can not.
38. Each year the month of 3.82 cm away from the earth.
39. When we live and no food, leather belts and shoes keds are the best foods to eat because it contains enough nutrients to live temporarily.
40. In one drop of water contains 50 million bacteria.
41. The voice that we hear from the shells rather than sound waves, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.
42. Physically, the pig can not look to the sky.
43. Elephant is the only animal that can not jump.
44. We can not lick our own elbows.
45. A snail can sleep for 3 years.
46. We repeated the year with 9 million people from around the world.
47. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over 1 million descendants.
48. Butterflies seen with 12,000 eyes.
49. Chickens that have been severed his neck was still able to run the ball along the ground before actually    dying.
50. A cockroach can live 9 days without a head, and will die of starvation.
51. Age of the dragonfly is 24 hours.
52. Memory fish just 3 seconds.
53. Jellyfish consist of 95% water.
54. Cats can not taste sweetness.
55. Fart cow including the main cause of global warming.
56. Crocodiles can not stick its tongue.
57. 80% of all animals in the world are insects.
58. Peanuts are one of the ingredients to make dynamite.
59. Europe is a continent without a desert.
60. Rhinoceros horn is made of hardened hair.
61. Nile Horse farting through the mouth.
62. 25% of human bones in the foot.
63. We eyeball weighs about 28 grams.
64. Some types of tape worms will eat themselves if hungry.
65. Sharks are immune to cancer.
66. Rat-average person moves 40 times in his sleep.
67. Dust particles inside the house mostly come from dead skin cells.
68. Mosquitoes prefer children than adults.
69. Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, the largest moon in our solar system, larger than the planet Mercury.
70. Newborn child has 350 bones. They merge and disappear until there are about 206 by age 5.

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